Are you living YOUR FULL potential & purpose?

Over the past week I've been contemplating the question in the subject line: Am I living or embodying my full potential and purpose???? Are you living your full potential and purpose? And felt called to share the insights that are flowing..... With any new cycle in life comes change and a sense of rebirth.....and we take this journey of rebirth time and time again over the course of our life. For some it's a once a month reset and for others it may be a yearly spin around the sun. Each cycle of change brings an opportunity to elevate our lives and who we are...and embody more of highest expression!!! It's like an INNER EVOLUTIONARY LEAP!!! With miss Aria Sky's arrival I've witnessed myself moving through MASSIVE change...inside and out! And I'm fully embracing it : ) However....I have been questioning how I want to show up in the world, what I really want to focus on, how I want to utilize my gifts in this next round and what this new life will look like...knowing that change is here....and I'm fully in it! Change can be easy flowing for some and outright scary for others. The fear that surfaces is a facet of the ego....trying super hard to hold onto the old you...the outdated version of your life that is naturally wanting to shed so that you can be free and weightless to lift UP to your next level. Each time we elevate we become more of our full potential....we stay on course for living our purpose! To know if we're living our purpose and potential we need to understand:
what these are
where they ultimately come from
how to embody or access them and
then how to physically or energetically express them in the world! answer a few of these questions I recorded a short video....speaking seems so much easier these days than writing (graduated from baby-brain to lack-of-sleep-brain).
If life is lacking's time for change and rebirth! If life feels's time to open to the new! If you're feeling's time to refresh and receive new insights on what is your path, purpose and potential NOW!!!!! It's always, ever evolving!!! Time to align!
If you want to FULLY embody your potential and live on helps when we have the tools to tap into our gifts (meditation is GREAT!), loving support to help us (get connected), internal stillness so that we can hear divine guidance, and energetic re-alignment with our Soul Self!
If you're moving through a cycle of rebirth, change or inner soul graduation I'd LOVE to hear about it! You can post comments under the video or email me : ) And if you want to REALLY take it to the next level with ease, support, love and grace.....I highly encourage you to join us in Northern Ontario July 15 - 18th for our Soul Awakening Retreat! It's the perfect setting to reset, rebirth and powerfully access your full potential and purpose...for REAL!!!! ;) BIG HUGS & TONS OF LOVE!