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We joy-FULLY welcome you into our Soulful Community!
You have a Sacred Spark that can only be expressed as & through YOU! ALL of your being is asking you to ignite, shine & share that spark!
You are here to create a life experience that is TRULY exceptional & AWEsome!
Become part of our Soulful Community! Receive bi-weekly IN-sights & my
"Life Follows Your YES" Meditation + Masterclass to live joyfully & radiantly!

I'm Tara Antler!
An Intuitive Healer (20+ yrs), Spiritual Teacher (my whole life), Soul Coach, author, mom (to Aria, Chase & Cruz), wife & positive lover of life! I am dedicated to helping you heal the past, gain soul clarity, activate your divine gifts, live in abundance, become your highest self & create an extraordinary life filled with
Hello beautiful!
joy, love, flow & fulfillment!

Programs, courses, 1-1 services & retreats designed to help you
live from your Soul....your most expanded, fulfilled, awesome self!
Focus your YES on where you truly want to go & who you really want to be!!!!
Create happy relationships, over-flowing abundance, health & a purpose-filled life!
I invite you to explore the ways we can connect!
Everything here has been divinely created to ignite your light & create UPward movement
for your mind, body, emotions, life & soul!

An Entrepreneur's Spirit in Action!
Among many things, I know myself to be a highly creative, soul-centred entrepreneur who loves to see ideas in action & form! Here are the current creations that are active for YOU to enjoy, explore & expand in!

We are powerful soul-travelers speeding through the galaxy, experiencing this thing we call life! Each moment filled with potential for spiritual expression & expansion! Every bump on the road offers an opportunity for growth & higher awareness! Every interaction a chance to love & listen a little deeper.
This journey CAN be joy-FULL, BE-autiful, healthy, freeing, FULL-filling, abundant & blissful! You are deserving of health & vitality, harmonious relationships, overflowing abundance & purposeFULL work in the world!
To see how life is being shaped around you, ask yourself, "What am I saying YES to?"
Life is constantly creating itself around you - through your beliefs, thoughts, wants & don't wants, focus, intentions & the past. "Life follows your YES!"......
Where are you focused? And does this focus bring you great joy?
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