Join me for a powerful, loving, soulful & transformative Winter Solstice Clearing for Creation! I've pre-recorded it so that you can do this at any time. The holidays is a busy time and I know that anchoring everyone in together at the same time may not be ideal. This way you can tap in, shift & lift when YOU create the right space! I would highly recommend that you do this on or before December 22! (12-22....high vibe day & there's a full moon peaking at 12:48 pm EST that day!) Powerful amplification & energetic support!
Then in 2 we enter the new calendar year of 2019....we will gather again (live - online) for a creation intention, amplification & acceleration class on the new moon!!! On Sunday, January 6th at 12 pm EST for a 90 min creation circle & class!
These classes will help you:
- tap into powerful creative energies
- cleanse yourself from 2018 energy so that you're free & clear to step into 2019!
- plant new energy & seeds of creation for 2019!
- get clear on what you want to create & stand in it fully!
- receive support and high vibe energy to blast your creations into the Universe....and receive them back in form!
- vibrationally atune you to the creative life force...that will help with manifestation!
Special Winter Solstice Clearing & New Year Activation!
.....access to the class will be emailed to you!